Yuen Method

After helping clients using various natural modalities with good results for almost two decades, nothing compares to the excitement and satisfaction I experienced with the Yuen Method® when I discovered it in 2010. By March 2013, I had become a Certified Yuen Method® Master Consultant and Instructor. I have worked with clients around the world by phone and internet. In August 2013, I was honored to guest host Dr. Yuen’s talk radio program. I now offer private sessions, group clinics and training workshops.
What is the Yuen Method? It is an innovative information technology developed by Dr. Kam Yuen, a 35th generation Shaolin Grandmaster and a Doctor of Chiropractic. It delivers instant results and resolves causal influences from physical, mental, emotional, psychological, spiritual and psychic levels.
How does it work?
Each living being is like a biological computer with a perfectly designed operating system. We are designed to live to our infinite potential at all times in body, mind and spirit. Even though there may be nothing wrong with a computer, its optimal operation can be disrupted by faulty memories and programings which may be originated from physical, mental, emotional, psychological, psychic/spiritual, and environmental sources. Left unresolved, they manifest into physical and mental issues as well as unpleasant life experiences.
To resolve the situation, Yuen Method® practitioners look for the person’s energetic weakness intuitively to pinpoint the real causes of interferences. They then strengthen the particular weakness on the person’s central nervous system – the Central Processing Unit of the biocomputer. It takes as long as hitting a “delete” button. Problems can be resolved or improved instantly. Anyone can do it, because intuition and insights are already within us. This method gives you the user’s manual to navigate and reprogram the biological computer so it can operate at its infinite potentials.
This method can be used to strengthen any aspect of life including health, fitness, finance, relationships, career and purpose.
Yuen Method® can be done in person and by phone or internet with the same effect.
For demonstrations, please go to YouTube.
For blog interview, please go to The Best of the Yuen Method.
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